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This documentation is no longer maintained by the Turris team (although it can be used by the community to share content). The current official documentation is at

This documentation applies only Turris OS 3.x that is no longer present in newly sold routers. The new documentation is located at

Access for the root user (SSH, LuCI)

There are two ways how to access the setup of the Turris router.

The first way is the Foris web interface which serves for settings of the basic network functions like Internet connection, LAN and WiFi settings. Password to the Foris web interface has been set in the first step of the installation wizard. If you have forgot your password follow these instructions.

The Foris web interface can be found on the local address of your router (by default it is set to

The second way is to use advanced web interface LuCI and direct access to the terminal as a root user.

The LuCI web interface allows the user to setup majority of all the router functions such as firewall, static address assignment, DHCP service, etc.. Users can monitor the system performance through the LuCI web interface as well.

The LuCI web interface and terminal are powerful tools and it is quite easy to break the functionality of you router if you don't what are you doing!

Setting a root password

To access the terminal or the LuCI web interface you need to have the root password set at first. This password can be set on the in the Advanced administration tab in the Foris web interface.

Accessing the LuCI web interface

LuCI web interface can be accessed via this direct link (if you have changed the local IP address of your router please update the link accordingly)

Accessing the terminal

The SSH daemon will start on the standard port number 22 after setting the root password in Foris web interface.

Available tools for accessing the terminal

Linux, Unix-like systems, Mac OS

The ssh command should be available in all the mentioned systems. If it is not available please try to install it via a package manager. The ssh package usually contains scp package as well.

Login to terminal via SSH
  1. Open a terminal application on your computer and enter the following command ssh root@ (if you have changed the local IP address of your router please update the command accordingly)
  2. If you are trying to access the terminal via SSH for the first time the program will ask you whether the identity of the router is correct. It is acceptable to answer yes for the first time.
  3. The program will ask you for the root password. Put there a password which you set in the Foris web interface

The whole process should look like this:

user@localmachine:~$ ssh root@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is ed:d2:9d:e6:60:42:16:80:c0:fd:64:e6:a5:f6:c3:cf.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@'s password: 

BusyBox v1.19.4 (2013-12-06 11:42:37 CET) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

  _______  _    _  _____   _____   _____   _____ 
 |__   __|| |  | ||  __ \ |  __ \ |_   _| / ____|
    | |   | |  | || |__) || |__) |  | |  | (___  
    | |   | |  | ||  _  / |  _  /   | |   \___ \ 
    | |   | |__| || | \ \ | | \ \  _| |_  ____) |
    |_|    \____/ |_|  \_\|_|  \_\|_____||_____/ 
 BARRIER BREAKER (Bleeding Edge, r38891)

Transferring a file between a computer and the router

The usage of the scp command is very similar to the ssh command. So if you need to upload a file from your computer to your router use this:

user@localmachine:~$ scp /path/to/the/file/on/your/computer root@

If you need to download a file from your router to your computer just swap the paths:

user@localmachine:~$ scp root@ /path/to/the/file/on/your/computer


  • The best way how to access a terminal via SSH from windows is to use Putty
  • For file transfer we recommend WinSCP
Login to terminal via SSH
  1. Open the Putty application and put this line root@ to the Host Name (or IP address) text field on the Session tab.
  2. Move to the WindowTranslation tab and set the Remote character set filed to the UTF-8 value.
  3. Optionally you can save the session settings on the Session tab.
  4. Click on the OK button to log in
  5. If you are trying to access the terminal via SSH for the first time the program will ask you whether the identity of the router is correct. It is acceptable to answer yes for the first time.
Transferring a file between a computer and the router
  1. Open the WinSCP application and put the local IP address of your router (by default it is set to
  2. Use root as a username.
  3. Check that port is set to 22 and Protocol to SFTP (allow SCP fallback).